Sunday, August 20, 2006

Mermaids & Demons on the Mind

OK, I really thought that the Mermaid Parade in Coney Island was one of the craziest things I would ever experience. Honestly, the lady with the fishbowl bikini (that’s two real glass fishbowls . . .as a bikini . . .) seemed to somehow defy gravity!

But as I consider the stats of the last week, I’m wondering if I have wandered into some short story. Or maybe a book by Roald Dahl? It’s definitely been intense, while also strangely calm.Here is the basic breakdown:

Monday – Lost one contact lens down the drain. I have been as one-eyed as a pirate all week. My lack of equilibrium is out of control.
Tuesday – BBQ by Johnny D with Trevor for musical entertainment.
Wednesday – Participated in exorcism type thingy. Yep, you read correctly.
Thursday – Grilled salmon & chicken at outdoor wedding rehearsal. Note that I have never grilled chicken before. (Fortunately Maggie helped save the day and no one died.)
Friday – I think I Iost a few pounds because I keep forgetting to eat. Is that a good thing?
Saturday – Worked on designs for a new bulletin, posters and a direct mail card.
Sunday at 12:30am – I got the call that my best friend had a beautiful, healthy baby girl.

Actually, when I think more, it seems like a downright Biblical week. Supernatural signs of the breach between The Light and the darkness around us mixed with the mundane followed by the mystery of creation. Yep, that sounds about right.

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